
mohamed hassan

Last login: 2 years ago

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About me

Certified Financial Manager (CFM), having over 15years of experience in managing financial reporting, consolidation and financialanalysis process of firms, playing key role in preparing senior managementstrategic plans, providing financial analysis and leadership.


Master degree
Sudan university of technology and science

Master degree in cost and management account

July 1998 -September 2002
Bachelor degree
Nelien university

Bachelor honor in accounting

Work Experience

July 2017 -March 2022
finance manager
Alrida building

June 2014 -June 2017
account manager
future university

September 2012 -March 2013
finance and administration manager
timan import and export enterprises

December 2004 -December 2011
senior accountant
shirian alshama company

Awards and Certificates

January 2017 -June 2017
Certified Financial Manager
6 months

Certification of certified  financial manager from institute of certified financial consultants

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