
Mogahid Elmahi

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Expereince engineer

Skills and tools

Microsoft applications including Word

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About me

_2 years working experience in oil and gas industry 

_ computer skiils and programming language (mattlab,c++). Word excell, others 

_advanceand english languege (speeaking , writting ).

_ecxellent soft skills , communicatoin skills 

_creative and devoloper 

_achieving work pefectly with seting standeders 

_competability to each working environment 

_ working and achievind and pressure

_have askills af solving critical problems which happens throgh work.

_ have character of leader team , controling .responsibilty .


Bacholor degree petroleum engineering and technology
Sudan university of sicience and technologs sust

I have graduated  2018 ,Bacholor degree ,petreum engineerin and technology ,

Actualy , i studded hard and i did great efforts throw my study to achieve more excllence .

I alleways the first one in my class,

I gruduated with frst class degree.

2011 -2013
Diploma in petroleum engineering technology
Sudan university of science and technology

I graduated with diploma in petroleum engineering technology , from sudan unviversit sust 

_ i graduated with first class degree , class of warded 3.33 CGBA .

_ realy it was intersting , i learned all technical side well in my sector .and now i'm very proud and happy by this .

Work Experience

October 2016 -June 2017
rig floor
National upetream solutions

Actualy it was most important period throgh my carrer , i learned throgh it technical working in oil and gas industry , it conseders as practic and realy working experience , i worked in operation , drilling , services wells, well intervention , workover operation, 

Now i couid strongly i couid work any technical job in oil or position ,

I got practice and technical experience , i coudn't say engough but i can say considerable .

-September 2017
Petroleum engineer
Sudanes peroleum pipeline company (Sppc)

Realy it was most intersting period , i worked as trainy engineer ,our rule is oil transportion ,

  I learnd working in pipeline stations , sending and recieving cruid oil products .

_Pump satiion working 

_operatoin control , control room 

_fluids movement operatoin 

_HSE regulatoin and precoutions

November 2017 -June 2018
Trainee engineer
Greater nille peroleum operating company(GNPOC)

Performed assigned duties ,under supervision personal to gain knowledge required for positions of petreum engineer .

_observed experienced employes to require knowledge of methods ,procedures and standards required for performance of departmental duties .

*Acquired knowledge of:

_HSE policis and procedures.

_production operation objectives ' Activities at ,

-Heglig CPF /FPF ,Neam FPF ,Bamboo FPF ,Heglig lab and Azrag evacution facilities .

-fieid sit(wells /OGM parameters and flow measurement .

*Production department objectives /activities.

_production data managment system( pdms)

_workover (workover rigs and workover program)

*Process engineering and ctivities.

Awards and Certificates

1 February 2020 -5 Febraury 2020
Occupational safety and health Administration(OSHA)general industry
Estidama Energy and mining Training center 5 days

Course outcome;

I learned from this coures in HSE 

_HSE regulatioin

HSE policis 

_HSE assement 

_risk determinatoin , estamatoin , calculatoin ,

_risk assement , risk evaluatoin 

_condioning working place 

_ monitoring and contro working enviroment 

_Acident report writting .

Personal statigic planning

Coures outecme :

_personal planning side 

_sit goals 

_long and short term planning 

_expliot chaces and opportuinities.

Candidates Reviews:
