
Salman Hussain

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Operation & Maintenance

Skills and tools

Microsoft applications including Word

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About me

This is Salman Hussain from Pakistan. Currently working withPolish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) as a Production Operator since May-2019. Itis a Govt. company of Poland working in Pakistan since 1993 in a sector ofE&P. Before this, I was an employee of United Energy Pakistan. A largestforeign company of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. I had been workedfor UEP since Jan-2013 to Apr-2019. I have 07 years of Professional Experiencein Oil and Gas Industry.
My general duties are to ensure safe and smooth operation of Gasproducing wells, Gas dehydration through Solid desiccants, Absorption processand Glycol dehydration process, Sour gas sweetening process, Gas compressionunits (Waukesha/CAT Engines and Ariel Compressors). I have already facedmultiple commissioning phase/strat-up and shut-down activities of Plant andWells. I believe in compliance of documentation before initiate any kindaactivity. I am fully aware and confined with HSSE Golden Rules and Permit toWork System.
Moreover, my academic background is also very attractive for asaid position. I have 14 years of academic education. I have graduated in Bachelor of Science. In additional, I have 03Years Diploma in Chemical Technology and 01 Year Diploma in InformationTechnology.
I would like to request a personal interview for furtherdiscussion on my Qualification and Services. I have plenty of potential todevelop and ready to work under stress. My enclosed resume reflects myexperience and accomplishments. Please find an attached resume for the subjectposition.
Thank-you for your time and consideration.


January 2015
Diploma Associate Engineer (Chemical)
Sindh Board of Technical Education, Karachi.

Work Experience

May 2019 -Currently working
Production Operator
Polish Oil and Gas Company

January 2013 -April 2019
Production Operator
United Energy (Pakistan) E&P

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